
The Comments page allows to the different users to make comments on each node of the FTs.

The main view of the comments table can be seen in the picture below.


The table is composed by the following columns:

  • Date: The date when the comment has been created.

  • Related Node: The node where the comment applies (Dropdown field).

  • Comment: The comment written by the user.

  • Answer: The response of the reviewer to a given comment.

  • Author: The user who made the comment.

  • Reviewer: The user responsible to give an answer to a given comment (Dropdown field).

  • Type: The type of comment: “Assumption”, “Comment” or “Question” (Dropdown field).

  • Status: The status of the comment: “Open”, “In progress” or “Closed” (Dropdown field).

  • Attachment: Any attachement related to the comment (JPG, PGN, PDF…).

The comments can be made by a user (Author) and can be assigned to another user (Reviewer). The reviewer is responsible to give an answer and close the comment.

Add a Comment

There are two different ways to add a comment:

From Comment page

In the Comment page, select the desired system in the top-left dropdown. All the comments related to this system are shown in the table.

To add the comment, click on Add Row. A new row will appear as shown in the picture below.


Click on Related Node cell and choose the desired node in the dropdown.


Write the comment in the Comment cell.

Assign a reviewer clicking in Reviewer cell and selecting a user from the dropdown.


Set the type of comment between “Comment”, “Assumption” or “Question”.


Set the status of the comment “Open”, “In progress” or “Closed”. By default, the status is set as Open.


In the cell Attachment the user can attach a picture or a PDF file.

From FTA Diagram

Enter in the desired FT. To make a comment in a node, select a node > right-click on the node > Comment > Add Comment


Then, the user is redirected to the Comment page, where a new row in the comment table has been created. The user can fill the different columns with the corresponding information as detailed in the section above.


When a comment has been assigned to a user, a notification will appear the first time that the user enters to Robin.


By clicking on Unread Comments, the list of new comments assigned to the user appears.


By clicking in the comment, the user will be redirected to the Comment page.

Delete a Comment

To delete a comment, select the comment as shown in the picture below and click on Delete Selected. The user can delete multiple comments at the same time. The rows selected are highlighted in light blue.
