Manual failure reporting

The FRACAS data can be either entered manually or by importing the necessary tables. If the first option is chosen, the following forms are available to enter the required data.


To enter a part, the following data is required after pressing FRACAS > Inputs > Part:

  • PN: The part number is a compulsory field, which uniquely identifies a part created by a given user

  • Name: Description of the part

  • Manufacturer PN: The part number from the supplier, which might not be the same as the PN

  • Vendor: Supplier Name

  • Predicted MTBF: The Mean Time Between Failure that the supplier predicts

  • Guaranteed MTBF: The Mean Time Between Failure guaranteed by contract from the supplier

  • Note regarding P/GMTBF: Any relevant note regarding the MTBF of the part

  • MTTR: Mean Time To Repair of the part (in hours)

  • Cost: Price of the part (in euros)



An aircraft can be added in a given FRACAS project by filling the form on FRACAS > Inputs > Aircraft. The user can either add a new aircraft type or enter a new fleet. The necessary fields are described hereafter:

  • Aircraft SN: Serial number of the aircraft

  • Aircraft Type: Model of the aircraft

  • Fleet: Fleet to which the aircraft belongs, if any

  • Tail designation: Aircraft identification

  • Country: Country in which the aircraft is registered

  • Customer: Customer to which the aircraft belongs

  • Born Date: Production date

  • Death Date: Retired date, if any

  • Historical information: Any relevant note regarding the history of the aircraft


An aircraft is uniquely identified within a FRACAS project by the combination of “Aircraft SN” and “Aircraft Type”. If this combination already exists in the database, Robin gives the option to modify the aircraft data or to delete it.


Aircraft hours

In order to register the hours and landings of an aircraft, the following form can be filled by accessing to FRACAS > Inputs > Aircraft Hours:

  • Aircraft SN: Serial number of the aircraft

  • Aircraft Type: Model of the aircraft

  • Record Date: Date when the record of the hours/landings is entered

  • Flying Hours: Accumulated flying hours at record date

  • Number of landings: Number of landings at record date

  • Source of information: Source from which the data comes

  • Notes: Any relevant note


Parts per aircraft

Another important parameter to correctly compute reliability assessments is the number of parts per aicraft. To ease the manual work, the user can enter the quantity of a given part by specifying an entire fleet or a range of aircraft SNs. Robin automatically assigns the number of parts to all the aircraft belonging to the specified range. The necessary fields to fill in FRACAS > Inputs > Parts per Aircraft are:

  • PN (part): Part Number of interest

  • Quantity: The number of parts per aircraft

  • ATA: ATA chapter

  • Aircraft Type: Aircraft Model

  • From A/C SN: Initial aircraft SN of the range (if not entered by fleet)

  • To A/C SN: Final aircraft SN of the range (if not entered by fleet)

  • Fleet: Fleet to which the aircraft belongs (only applicable if entered by fleet)



To enter a new malfunction, the user can fill the following group of fields in FRACAS > Manage Defects > Add new Malfunction:

  • Aircraft: All the fields necessary to identify an aircraft (see Aircraft section)

  • Defective Part: Fields necessary to identify the part which is Defective (see Part section)

  • Malfunction: Fields that describe the malfunction:

    • Defect: Description of the Defect

    • Finding: All the findings found by the supplier of the part

    • Defect date: Date when the defect occurred

    • Damage Effect: Type of damage, such as DV (Defect Verified), NFF (Not Fault Found), QAMR (Quality Aircraft Malfunction Report), ND (No Defect), SCM (Scheduled Maintenance)…

    • Defect tags: Tags describing the defect

    • Information: Note

  • Installed Part: Fields necessary to identify the replacing part (see Part section)

  • Is critical?: It tells if the defect is critical to the project


If the user wants to find a given malfunction, the filtering of tab FRACAS > Manage Defects > Search Malfunction can be used:


The user can concatenate as many filters as desired in order to find a malfunction. Then, the resulting table with the search results is presented.

Finally, if the user wants to see if there is any duplicated entry on the defect list, the user can go to FRACAS > Manage Defects > Check Duplicates. Then, it can be decided to modify or delete a duplicate.



Besides the described forms above, the user can also enter the data directly in the tables which can be found at FRACAS > View Table:



The filter search uses wildcard rules (*) such as:

  • ele* finds “electric”, but not “selector”

  • *ger finds “defogger“, but not “refrigerator”

  • *pr* finds “sprint”, “pressure”…

  • bat*li* finds “battery, lithium”…

  • adapter finds “Adapter”, but not “AC adapter”

Any combination of the above examples is also possible.

The user can select any available table with the top-left dropdown.

For editing P/GMTBF, it is necessary to access FRACAS > Manage Defects > Update P/G MTBF. The user can either modify P/GMTBF at part level or system/aircraft level by clicking on the top-left switch.
